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Technology, like smartphones and computers, improves our daily lives.

Advancements in technology also improve our healthcare. Our team at TLC Dentistry is proud to offer our community the latest technology to enhance patient care, reduce wait times for treatments, and increase the accuracy of diagnoses. Embracing technology is an investment in protecting our patient’s health and making quality oral healthcare more convenient.

From digital radiography and high-resolution three-dimensional CT scans to same-day crowns, TLC Dentistry’s technology benefits all our patients.

Digital Radiography

Digital radiography presents a number of benefits to oral healthcare providers, their patients, and even the environment. Using digital sensors, this form of radiography transmits accurate and clear X-ray images to high-resolution screens and computer monitors. When digital X-rays are visible on high-resolution screens, oral healthcare providers can zoom in and out. These sharp images are also easy to show patients in order to explain conditions and treatments. Improved imaging benefits patients as an oral health education tool and by increasing the accuracy of diagnoses.

Instead of relying on the development of X-ray film, digital radiography saves time and space. This means that files are saved digitally – eliminating row after row of bulky file cabinets. Besides, radiographic film is not a friend to our environment.

Digital X-ray files can be quickly sent when transferring records, too, which is wonderful for patients requiring second opinions or when our dentist collaborates with specialists like oral surgeons and endodontists.

Cone Beam CT ICAT

The cone beam is a type of radiological image (CT) that can take a panoramic, three-dimensional image of the entire head and oral cavity. Its images produce sharp, clear views of all the structures of the oral cavity and face. Cone beam is beneficial for evaluating oral health and anatomy as a whole and in specific regions.

This technology has diverse applications in oral healthcare, including the treatment of periodontal disease and TMJ disorder. It’s also incredibly useful for planning treatments like the placement of dental implants and surgical procedures that affect the alignment of the jaws.

Images produced by cone beam are incredibly detailed and clear. This is ideal for diagnosing oral health conditions and for planning treatment. When it comes to treatment planning, cone beam CT images can be used for surgical simulations so that your dentist is familiar with your unique oral anatomy.

E4D Crowns are permanent, all ceramic, onlay, or veneer and placed in just one single visit.


Same-Day Crowns with E4D Technology

Dental crowns are restorations that protect damaged and diseased teeth. Before advanced milling technology, conventional crowns took weeks to fabricate. A dentist would develop the specifications for crowns manually and then send these specifications to off-site dental laboratories. This entire process could take four to six weeks and a minimum of two appointments for a patient.

With E4D technology, TLC Dentistry can produce a crown and place it in the same day. E4D technology eliminates weeks of wait time and the hassle of multiple appointments. The technology our practice uses has greatly expedited the process of producing custom, beautiful, and durable restorations like crowns.

It’s A New Day For Same-Day Dentistry

Our CAD/CAM Solution, driven by E4D Technologies, provides everything we need to deliver better of days – with remarkable speed and accuracy, intuitive design software, on-site milling and, of course, no impressions or powders. The result is a vastly improved restorative process that gives our patients – a positive dental experience to brag about. dentistry. Create and design digital models with Planmeca CAD/CAM. Share cases with Planmeca Romexis Cloud. And bring your designs to life with the precision of the renowned Planmeca PlanMill 40 S. We can produce lab-quality crown and other ceramic restorations in hours instead of days.

If you have questions about our technology and services, contact our practice to speak with a helpful member of our team. TLC Dentistry is accepting new patients. Call us today to reserve a checkup or cleaning.