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Smile Makeover

The appearance of a patient’s smile is an important component of one’s social life. As one of the most important non-verbal forms of communication, wearing a smile can show appreciation, openness, and acceptance toward others. Unfortunately, a flawed smile negatively affects a patient’s level of confidence and self-image. Patients with chipped, stained, and crooked teeth often feel embarrassed to smile and may even avoid social situations because of their embarrassment. Fortunately, Dr. Lam offers cosmetic dental services such as Invisalign clear braces, teeth whitening, and porcelain veneers that conceal or correct a wide range of smile imperfections.

Invisalign clear braces are a patented system of discreet plastic aligners that slowly move teeth to a straighter position over time. These aligners resemble the appearance of retainers and are custom fitted for each patient’s needs. Invisalign repositions crowded, overlapped, crooked, and gapped teeth. Not only are the plastic aligners discreet, they are also removable so that patients can thoroughly brush and floss and eat their favorite foods.

Clinical teeth whitening is also available for patients with discolored and stained teeth. With prescription strength ingredients, Dr. Lam uses teeth whitening systems that significantly brighten and whiten a patient’s smile by bleaching away permanent stains.

In addition to clear braces and teeth whitening, Dr. Lam also offers porcelain veneers—a highly customizable cosmetic enhancement. This cosmetic procedure dramatically transforms a smile. Optimal for patients with multiple types of smile imperfections, veneers are wafer thin pieces of porcelain that conceal stained, chipped, and crooked teeth. Using high-grade porcelain, veneers closely resemble the appearance of healthy, natural teeth. Bonded permanently to the teeth, veneers create a stunning, flawless smile.

Other smile-enhancing services we offer include dental implants and tooth-colored restorations such as crowns and fillings. To learn more about smile makeovers, TLC Dentistry welcomes you to schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation with Dr. Lam. At your appointment, she will answer any questions you have and help you determine the best method to improve your appearance. Call us today to reserve your appointment.